Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kidney Cancer Treatment Stage Four

Stage 4 kidney cancer is treatable by removing the kidney and using chemotherapy or radiation to remove the remaining cancerous cells. Stage 4 kidney cancer has a 5 percent survival rate, but removing the kidney may help prolong a person's life.


Several therapies are used to cure Stage 4 kidney cancer. Antigenics states that common treatments include chemotherapy, immunotherapy and hormonal therapy.


Stage 4 kidney cancer treatment focuses on boosting the person's immune system for chemotherapy and preventing the cancer from spreading to all organs.


Treatment weakens the person physically and emotionally. Extreme weight loss, hair loss, and a weakened immune system are common symptoms.

Expert Insight

Many physicians focus on relieving the pain associated with kidney cancer instead of curing it. Kidney cancer's survival rate is very low.


According to Cancer.org, where the cancer has spread, the person's physical and mental health, and the location of tumors are considered when treatment options are suggested.

Tags: Stage kidney, Stage kidney cancer, kidney cancer, immune system, kidney cancer, removing kidney