Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Are The Benefits Of Healing Stones

Many people are drawn to certain crystals and stones. If wearing your favorite jade bracelet or diamond ring always makes you feel good, then that may be its healing benefit for you.

Amethyst is used to instill calm, purify the blood, and ease insomnia.


According to the book, "The Healing Power of Gemstones" by Harish Johari, "Healing stones are crystals of clear and purified minerals that are also found in the human body."


Healing stones come in a variety of types like jade, amethyst and tiger's eye. People who use them for healing believe that certain stones work with the body's chemical makeup. Stones can be worn or placed on the skin, or even processed and taken internally.


Each healing stone has specific healing benefits associated with it. Rose quartz, increases circulation and is calming. Jade strengthens the immune system.


The healing properties of a crystal is based on its electromagnetic properties and how they effect the human body. Science has used crystals for watches and computers for example, but not for healing the human body.

Expert Insight

In 2008, professors Geoffrey Wainwright and Timothy Darvill focused on rare bluestones at Stonehenge called spotted dolomite, prized for its healing properties. Skeletons in the area had signs of disease, leading to the belief that some people went to Stonehenge seeking healing.

Tags: human body, healing properties, Healing stones