Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Use Catholic Natural Family Planning

While most methods of birth control are frowned upon, Catholic natural family planning is a successful method of predicting, achieving, or avoiding pregnancy.


1. In order to use Catholic natural family planning, you will have to learn to take your basal body temperature. First, take your temperature in exactly the same way at the same time every morning, before getting out of bed.

2. The second step in using the Catholic natural family planning method is to write down the temperature reading. (Then, you can go back to sleep)

3. Each temperature reading is then placed in a chart, which shows temperature trends throughout the month. When using Catholic natural family planning, you will need to understand the ups and downs of your fertility cycle.

4. To use Catholic natural family planning, watch for ovulation. You can sport ovulation by a temperature spike that continues until menstruation begins, at which point your basal body temperature will drop, and remain low until the next ovulation spike approximately 28 days later.

Tags: Catholic natural, natural family, natural family planning, Catholic natural family, family planning, basal body, basal body temperature