Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sculpt Your Body With Mat Exercises

Flushing the lymph system

When it comes to sculpting the body, the use of weights is almost always looked upon as the answer. But in reality, the body itself is one of the best training devices ever invented, and we all have complete access to it any hour of the day. With that being said, there are various forms of mat exercises that factor well into this equation. They are the byproduct of yoga, Pilates and conventional body weight exercises.


1. Work your shoulders. The shoulders can be done by holding various positions isometrically. Two examples of this would be plank poses and downward-facing dogs. A plank position is the top point of a push-up. To do a downward-facing dog, lift your hips up in the air and shift your weight back on your heels so your body is in a V shape. These also double as good ab exercises.

2. Work your arms. One fantastic exercise to sculpt the arms is called a chaturanga. To perform this exercise, start in a plank position. From here, slowly lower your body down towards the floor until you are hovering just a few inches above it. Keep your elbows bent and tight against your sides. This also contributes to the core and chest.

3. Get out the scissors. This exercise is a spin-off of a Pilates move. It is called an alternating scissor kick. Lie on your back on the mat with your legs straight and extended. Lift your head and legs up off the floor and place your arms down by your sides. Now alternate lifting your legs in the air in a scissor motion. To enhance the exercise, pump your arms up and down while lifting your legs.

4. Draw some circles. Lie on your right side. Stack your feet on top of each other. Now lift your left leg up in the air and draw big circles. Do a series of circles one way, then turn around and do the same number of circles the other way. Switch sides and repeat. This exercise works the core, hips and glutes.

5. Hug your knee. Lie on your back and extend your arms over your head with your legs straight. Lift your upper body and legs off the floor a few inches. From this position alternate hugging your knees to your chest. Every time you alternate, extend your arms back over your head. This works the core.

6. Swim for it. Lie on your stomach with your arms straight over your head and your legs straight behind you. Lift yourself up in the air by contracting your back muscles. Now alternate lifting your opposite arm and opposite leg. This is similar to a swimming motion.

7. Row your boat. Start off lying on your back. Bend your knees and lift your feet up so your shins are parallel to the floor. You should now have a 90-degree angle of the hips, knees and ankles. Come up into a crunch position and extend your arms out straight and down by your sides. This is called a boat pose. To make this exercise harder, extend the legs up in the air.

Tags: your arms, your legs, your back, your head, extend your