Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Home Treatment For A Hangover

If you're reading this while you have a hangover, you're probably not in the mood for witty commentary. Here, short and sweet, are tips for treating headache, nausea and other symptoms that result from having imbibed way too much the night before. In addition, there are several ways to prevent having a hangover the next time you do some immoderate drinking.


Drink as much water or other non-caffeinated fluids as you can stand, because all that alcohol has left you dehydrated, and dehydration causes most of the hangover symptoms.

Sports Drink

Drinking Gatorade or another sports drink is a good home treatment for a hangover, because it not only rehydrates but supplies electrolytes, which may be out of whack because of the alcohol.


Take an ibuprofen or aspirin for the headache if necessary, but avoid acetaminophen (Tylenol), since that can be hard on the liver, which already got a workout from excess alcohol intake. It's better to get a little something in your stomach first to avoid analgesic-related stomach upset.


Toast and fruit are easy on the stomach, and provide B and C vitamins.


For nausea, you'll need to do whatever works for you personally, because everyone is different when it comes to this problem. For most people, sipping some type of soda helps, be it 7-Up, ginger ale or Coke.


If you're going to drink coffee, make sure you drink other fluids as well, because caffeine is a diuretic, and thus is dehydrating.


For preventing future hangovers, drink alcohol with food or on a full stomach, and drink plenty of water or other non-caffeinated fluids along with the alcohol. Take an ibuprofen or aspirin before bed, and then sleep as long as you can.

Tags: ibuprofen aspirin, non-caffeinated fluids, other non-caffeinated, other non-caffeinated fluids, Take ibuprofen, Take ibuprofen aspirin