Friday, May 8, 2009

Decide To Take Testosterone

Testosterone treatment offers many benefits for a variety of different conditions. A doctor is the only person qualified to determine if testosterone therapy is an appropriate treatment, but an educated patient can suggest ideas. Going to the doctor with an understanding of your condition and your options can alleviate some of the fear and frustration of the impending visit.


1. Evaluate your health. There are many conditions that testosterone treats. These include irregular periods and female breast cancer as well as low gonad function, erectile dysfunction, infertility, diminished libido and osteoporosis.

2. Decide if you want to change your sex. Testosterone is used for people with gender identity disorder. Woman wanting to be men or to be more like men can use testosterone to grow facial hair and change their body composition, including adding masculine-looking muscle mass.

3. Determine if you need to improve your physical health. Testosterone is known to increase muscle strength, stamina, sexual potency, cholesterol levels and heart health. If you are feeling helplessly tired and out of shape despite efforts toward the contrary, testosterone may be beneficial.

4. Call your doctor and express your concern. Your doctor will be able to evaluate your state and the risks and benefits available from testosterone treatment.

5. Pay attention to the world around you. If you find that you are having trouble keeping focused, testosterone may help you. Testosterone is known for increasing clarity and concentration as well as general mental function.

Tags: Testosterone known