Monday, May 4, 2009

Figure Out Why You Snore

Snoring can ruin the sleep of everyone in your house. Find out why you snore and what you can do about it.


1. Find out what position you sleep in during the night. If you sleep with a roommate, spouse, or significant other you can simply ask them how you sleep. If you sleep alone you may have to have a friend stay over for the night or enlist the aid of a video camera. Sleeping on your back can exacerbate a snoring problem. Sleep in a different position if you can.

2. Remove other easy fix factors that can encourage snoring. Try not to eat a large meal or drink liquor before bed, quit smoking, be sure that you are breathing through your nose and not your mouth (deep breathing exercises can aid you in this). Blow your nose prior to sleeping in order to clear your nasal passages.

3. If you are overweight consider taking reasonable and safe steps to lower your weight. People who are overweight are more likely to snore. Consult your doctor if you feel you need help losing weight, or if you have any health issues.

4. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist. Some medications will encourage snoring, and you will want to be aware of that. If the snoring is impacting your life and it could be caused by your medication, do not stop taking your medication, talk to your doctor about your concerns. Your physician may be able to give you a different prescription.

5. See your regular doctor, or an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor. Your doctor should be able to assess if you snoring problem is due to an issue with your soft pallet, jaw or sinuses and help to come up with a course of treatment.

Tags: encourage snoring, snoring problem, your doctor, your medication, your nose