Friday, August 7, 2009

How Does Breast Reduction Work

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction is accomplished via a surgical procedure that is performed by a plastic surgeon. There are various reasons why a woman may want to undergo breast-reduction surgery. They can include: aesthetic reasons, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, skin irritation or the breasts' interference with sports activities. A health-insurance policy may cover the costs of breast-reduction surgery when the surgery is sought because of pain caused by breast size.

The Surgery

Breast-reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia, meaning that the patient will be asleep during the surgery. The surgery generally takes 2 to 3 hours to perform. During the surgery, the plastic surgeon makes an incision in the breast and removes excess fat. The incision is usually made around the areola, and runs to the bottom of the breast at the crease. Excess skin may need to be removed, and the areola may need to be repositioned after the excess fat is removed, to maintain normal breast appearance. The incision usually leaves a scar. With time, the scar will fade, but will probably not go away completely.


A patient who undergoes breast-reduction surgery can generally return to work and her other normal light activities within 1 to 2 weeks. Generally, exercise is not allowed for at least 6 weeks after the surgery. After the surgery, the doctor requires the patient to come back for follow-up visits so he can monitor the progress of healing.

Health and Risks

Like any surgery, breast-reduction surgery carries the risk of complications--including death. A patient can have a reaction to the general anesthesia, or she may not heal well from the procedure. People who have had a bad reaction to general anesthesia in the past, or who are not in good health, may not be good candidates for breast-reduction surgery. Each person's situation is different. If you are considering having breast-reduction surgery, consult a licensed plastic surgeon to find out your options and risks.

Tags: breast-reduction surgery, general anesthesia, plastic surgeon, Breast Reduction, have reaction, have reaction general