Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Are Earplugs Bad For Your Ears

If used correctly, earplugs are safe.

Earplugs can be used to block out excess noise while sleeping or attending loud events like rock concerts. But can they cause damage to your ears? Experts say if used properly, earplugs are not bad for your ears.


Earplugs are small objects, usually foam, wax or silicone, inserted into the ear to protect against exposure to loud noise. Some people use earplugs while swimming to keep water out of their ears or while flying to reduce inner-ear pain.


Ear specialists are fond of saying, "Never put anything smaller than your elbow into your ear." Earplugs are obviously smaller than your elbow, so people are rightfully concerned about whether their use could be bad for their ears.

Proper use

For best results, foam earplugs should be rolled into a narrow cylinder and inserted into the ear canal. The plugs will expand to fit the contours of your ear.


Earplugs are generally not harmful unless pushed too far into the ear canal. An earplug should never be inserted so far that you cannot grab and rotate the end of it with your fingers.


Removing earplugs too fast can cause damage to the ear drum. Consumers are advised to pull them out slowly. Twisting them slightly can make removal easier.

Tags: cause damage, inserted into, into canal, smaller than, smaller than your