Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Home Remedies To Cure Nail Fungus

Toenail fungus is unsightly and embarrassing. It can interfere with your life and keep you from wearing the shoes you want to wear and participating in activities with friends. Treat your toenail fungus at home with a variety of different treatment options. Try homemade remedies or purchase over-the-counter fungicides to treat the fungus.


Keep your toenails short and dry. Avoid wearing tight shoes that don't allow air to circulate. Always wear socks or stockings with close-toed shoes. Wash the stockings and socks thoroughly before wearing them again. Whenever possible, wear open-toed shoes such as sandals or flip-flops, since these allow you to keep your feet dry.

Clean your bathtub and shower each day after showering. Make sure to use a disinfectant (vinegar is an environmentally friendly disinfectant) to kill any fungus that may be in your shower. This will prevent you from reinfecting yourself or spreading the infection to others.


Soak your feet in either apple cider vinegar or white vinegar for 20 to 30 minutes a day. Warm the vinegar before soaking your feet. As with all treatments, it will take a few months before you start to see normal nail growth. It is important to continue treatments until you have completely normal nails. If you stop before you are rid of the infected nail, the fungus could come back.

You can also drink 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar (mix it with 8 oz. of water) each day. This has beneficial affects, including helping to get rid of your toenail fungus. You can also apply the vinegar to your toenails using a cotton ball. Be sure to get it under the toenail and on the skin surrounding the toenail, since that is where the fungus grows.

Once you are finished soaking your feet, use a hair dryer on your feet to make sure they are completely dry.

Tea Tree and Lavendar Oil

Mix equal parts of tea tree oil and lavender oil. Put these on a cotton ball and apply to the skin surrounding your toenail and just under your toenail. Repeat this process two to three times each day. Tea tree oil kills bacteria and germs while the lavender soothes your skin and promotes healing. You can use this in combination with the vinegar foot soak if you want.

OTC Fungicides

Purchase any of a variety of over-the-counter (OTC) fungicides. You can purchase OTC fungicides at your local drugstore. You can try athlete's foot creams, since they kill the same fungus that has infected your toenails. Just be sure to apply the treatment under the nail.

ZetaClear works in a few weeks to improve the nail but also kills the root of the fungus. A four-month supply is about $99. The company suggests that you purchase enough for four to six months of treatment for the best results. There is a 90-day money back guarantee, but it is very convoluted (and isn't for 100 percent), so read the terms carefully before making a purchase.

Fungisil is a potent combination of essential oils and antifungal agents. According to the website, you will see results in as little as two weeks. Apply Fungisil to your nails twice a day. It costs $79.90 for a 3-month supply. Fungisil has a 60-day full money back guarantee.

Talk to your doctor before starting any treatments. Treat suspicious looking nails immediately. The sooner you start treatments, the easier it is to clear up toenail fungus.

Tags: your feet, your toenail, your toenails, apple cider, apple cider vinegar, back guarantee, cider vinegar