Monday, June 4, 2012

Replace A Missing Tooth

There are several reasons why a person ought to replace a missing tooth. Most people want a beautiful smile. In turn, they’re concerned about healthy teeth. Also, a missing tooth can interfere with the ability to chew or speak properly. Fortunately, there are different ways to replace a missing tooth, and most procedures are completed over a short period.


1. Visit your dentist and determine the best solution. There are numerous tooth replacement options. Contact your dentist and discuss your options. They’ll likely provide detail information on each replacement option, and highlight the benefits and disadvantages of each method.

2. Choose the best payment method. Dental procedures are costly. And unfortunately, dental insurance rarely pays the full costs. Most dentists are prepared to work out a payment arrangement.

3. Consider a permanent fixed bridge replacement. One tooth replacement option is the fixed bridge. This permanent procedure attaches the replacement tooth to the natural teeth with cement. For this method to work, you’ll need healthy gums and tissue. Take care of the bridge and it’ll last 15 years.

4. Replace a missing tooth with a dental implant. Implants are also permanent structures, which are perfect for anyone missing one tooth or several teeth. Oral surgeons and periodontists normally perform the procedure. These doctors drill a hole in the upper or lower jaw and attach the implant. On average, it takes between three and nine months to heal from a dental implant procedure.

5. Use a removable denture. If you don’t want a permanent solution, consider a removable denture. This is the cheapest alternative. However, it takes longer to fabricate a denture. Between the impressions and fittings, it can take a month to complete the denture.

Tags: missing tooth, dental implant, fixed bridge, removable denture, replacement option