Thursday, February 21, 2013

Onion Remedy For The Flu

Onion has natural antiseptic properties that can be used to treat colds and flu. As an antiseptic, onion helps destroy bacteria and germs. The flu viruses affect the upper respiratory tract, the nose and throat. Symptoms can be severe, often causing a person to be too ill to leave the bed for several days. An onion remedy can be used at home to treat flu symptoms and bring quick relief.

Raw Onion

Peel and cut an onion in half. Grate the half using a grater and mix it with a spoonful of honey. Eat the entire mixture with a spoonful as a flu remedy. The honey will also help soothe your throat and raw onion will have the most benefit in fighting flu viruses.

Onion tea

Peel and cut an onion, and place it into three cups of boiling water. Allow the juice to cool so that it is not burning hot, and drink it to relieve flu symptoms. The tea can be used several times a day until flu has disappeared.

Onion Poultice

Sautee chopped onion in olive oil, adding 1-2 tablespoons of flour to make a thick paste. Apply the warm onion poultice onto a cheese cloth, and place it on your chest. Keep the cheese cloth between your skin and onion poultice to prevent skin irritation.

Onion's anti-inflammatory properties help relieve respiratory congestion from a flu.

Tags: cheese cloth, Onion Peel, Onion Peel onion, onion poultice, Peel onion, with spoonful