Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Stop Living In Denial

In order to stop living in denial, a person must be willing to face painful truths. These truths can range from health setbacks or financial woes to severe relationship issues or any life-altering problem. You can face the issues in your life-even triumph in the face of adversity; but you must be willing to take the first step.


1. Accept that you have a problem you must face and overcome. No matter how difficult it is to face, you must examine it honestly and in full in order to create a plan of action.

2. Enlist the help of a qualified counselor to aid you in this process; whether an accountant skilled in bankruptcy issues or a therapist specializing in marital problems. A professional can guide you through the process of denial recovery one step at a time.

3. Work with, not against, your counselor. Be open and honest with the details of your situation. This person is a professional whose job is to help, not judge. He can only be of assistance when in full comprehension of the facts.

4. Create a plan of action with your counselor. Whether you're implementing a new budget, scheduling a surgical procedure or deciding you're ready to date after the loss of a spouse, you must develop a specific plan to follow in order to stop living in denial.

5. Act on your plan boldly, and with purpose. Pick up that phone, schedule that appointment or confront that issue head-on. You are getting out of denial (an unhealthy state of mind) and moving into a healthier state of being. You know you're going in the right direction, so move swiftly. The faster you overcome denial, the better your life can become.

Tags: living denial, must willing, order stop, order stop living, plan action, stop living