Thursday, July 23, 2009

Relieve Nervousness At An Interview

Smile often during your interview to mask your nervousness.

It is natural to feel nervous before and during a job interview. There's a lot on the line, and the first impression you make can direct whether you go further in the hiring process. Preparing for the interview, anticipating the questions and practicing help to relieve nervousness before the interview. Implementing relaxation techniques and just being yourself help to reduce anxiety during the interview.


1. Dress in a comfortable but professional suit. Wearing clothing that is ill-fitting or inappropriate will not allow you to feel at ease. Though you may be dressing up more than usual, you don't want to worry about your appearance before or during the interview.

2. Recognize that the interviewer was once in your position. He understands where you are in your career because he was once in the interview chair. Ask him questions about how long he's been with the company and his career path. The interviewer might enjoy talking about himself, giving you pause to listen and take the pressure off talking about yourself.

3. Project a realistic image of yourself and do not try to be someone you are not. The image you present at an interview should reflect your true personality. Realize that the worst-case scenario is that you stumble and don't answer the questions the way you planned. As long as you are pleasant and have the experience for the job, a touch of nervousness should not prevent the interviewer from considering you for the position.

4. Anticipate the interview questions in advance and practice your answers. Recall standard interview questions you had before, and decide ahead of time how you will respond. Preparation relieves the anxiety that the unexpected can bring. In addition, having answers readily available makes you appear polished and quick to respond.

5. Conduct breathing techniques prior to going into the interview to relieve stress. Should you become nervous at the interview or before responding to a question, pause for a few seconds, take a deep, but not obvious, breath and exhale slowly. This allows your heart rate to slow and your mind to clear for the moment.

Tags: during interview, before during, before during interview, interview questions, talking about