Monday, October 12, 2009

Round Breast Implants Vs Anatomical

Breast implants come in two basic shapes: round and anatomical (also called "tear drop"). Anatomical implants were initially designed for use in breast reconstruction but have since gained in popularity for breast augmentation as well. Round implants, however, remain the most popular option for breast augmentation, according to 2008 statistics complied by the American Association for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Natural Appearance

Many women consider anatomical implants for the extra fullness they offer at the bottom. However, both round and anatomical breast implants appear fuller at the bottom when the woman wearing them is standing or sitting upright.

Implant Shifting

Round breast implants have the advantage of looking natural as they rotate inside the breast pocket. Anatomical implants, on the other hand, look quite unnatural if they shift, therefore must be textured to adhere to the inside of the breast pocket.


Anatomical implants have a higher risk of rippling than round. Rippling is when the skin appears to ripple due to the breast implant. However, rippling can occur with either round or anatomical implants.

Surgical Skill

Placing anatomical implants in a natural-looking position tends to take greater surgical skill than placing round ones, making a surgeon's experience with this particular implant shape extra important.

Personal Preference

Some women prefer the look of anatomical implants over round, which is why many surgeons offer both options.

Tags: round anatomical, anatomical implants, breast augmentation, breast pocket, implants have, inside breast