Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Oil To Dry Powdered Milk To Make Whole Milk

Use powdered milk and oil to substitute for whole milk in recipes.

Powdered milk is convenient for its low price and long shelf life. One of the processes in making powdered milk removes almost all the milk fat before it is powdered. This makes powdered milk a weak substitute for cooking and baking recipes that require whole milk. The milk fat gives recipes (baked items, especially) a certain consistency that cannot be found without fat. If you are out of whole milk and in a bind, you can substitute powdered milk for whole milk by adding oil.


1. Determine the amount of milk you need to make. For this example, use 1 standard cup.

2. Combine 1 cup water with 1/3 cup powdered milk. Stir the ingredients together well to dissolve all the powdered milk. Use a blender or mixer for best results.

3. Add 1 tbsp. oil after the powdered-milk mixture is well blended. Mix or blend the mixture thoroughly. The oil replaces the amount of fat removed from the milk during the drying process. Use your whole-milk substitute for baking and cooking.

Tags: powdered milk, whole milk, whole milk