Thursday, December 3, 2009

Stop Flea Itch

Itchy flea bites can be treated with topical creams.

Fleas can be a nuisance to pets and humans. These tiny insects feed on the blood of people and animals. Female fleas are capable of laying up to 200 eggs over several days, making eradication complicated. A flea bite can leave an itchy red welt on the surface of the skin and in more serious cases can transmit infectious diseases such as murine typhus, bubonic plague, and tapeworm. There are several remedies for treating flea itch.


1. Avoid scratching the bite, as this can lead to infection.

2. Apply available over-the-counter anti-itch creams. Look for creams containing methol, camphor, praxomine, diphenhydramine, or benzocaine. Avoid hydrocortisone, as it is generally ineffective for insect bites, according to

3. Apply calamine lotion, if other creams have been ineffective at treating the itch.

4. Seek medical attention if the bite victim is presenting especially serious symptoms such as shortness of breath or turning blue, or if the flea bite develops signs of infection.

Tags: flea bite