Monday, December 21, 2009

Reduce Estrogen Levels

Estrogen is a set of hormones that are essential to female sexual development and childbearing. Very high levels of estrogen, however, may be linked with incidents of breast cancer and uterine fibroids. Reducing high levels of estrogen in your body through diet and exercise can help keep you healthy.


1. Have your blood drawn to test your estrogen levels. Ask your doctor to interpret the results for you. Determine how much you should safely try to reduce your estrogen levels.

2. Drink alcohol in moderation. Have 1 to 2 drinks a day. Alcohol in large doses makes it difficult for your liver to function properly as it breaks down estrogen, and it can lead to a high concentration of the hormone in your body.

3. Eliminate or significantly reduce the amount of external estrogen you ingest by buying or growing pesticide-free, organic produce. Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage--all fibrous vegetables--have the added bonus of blocking out "bad" estrogen that is harmful to your health.

4. Limit the amount of dairy products you consume to reduce your estrogen levels. Milk may contain high levels of estrogen when it is produced from cows that are pregnant, and it can cause your levels to rise as well.

5. Include whole grains and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables in your diet. Estrogen clings to bile acids that move through your intestines, and the hormone is removed from your body during the digestion process. Fiber binds to the bile acids and encourages the flushing process, thus lowering your estrogen levels.

6. Participate in an exercise program, especially if you are post-menopausal. Regular exercise that elevates your heart rate and makes you sweat can reduce estrogen levels in some women. The workout can also help you maintain a health weight, which can lower estrogen levels as well.

Tags: estrogen levels, your estrogen, your estrogen levels, high levels, high levels estrogen, levels estrogen