Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Early Signs Of Breast Cancer In Men

It is a misconceived notion that only women can have breast cancer. That is a false statement, and it is entirely possible for men to have breast cancer. In fact, studies have shown that 1% of all breast cancer patients have been men. This article will go over some of the male symptoms of breast cancer. If caught early enough, there is a greater chance that men can overcome the cancer and make a full recovery.

Skin Dimpling

If the skin around the nipple area starts to "dimple" or "pucker," it is recommended that men should make an appointment for a consultation with a doctor. There is a chance that this retracted pocket of skin could have a cancerous tumor underneath that is causing the skin to pucker.

Redness and Scaling

Another sign of breast cancer in men can be abnormal redness or scaling around the breast area. If your skin starts peeling or looking like snake skin, it could be a chance that something is wrong with your breast area. Skin redness is another symptom of early breast cancer in men.

Nipple inversion

One of the more subtle signs of breast cancer in men can be seen through the nipple. If your nipple is turning inward, this can be a sign that you have breast cancer.


Because men have less fat and skin than women do in the breast area, lumps are far more detectable. If the tumor is big enough underneath the skin, a lump will form and protrude. This lump could be cancerous, and a doctor may recommend a lumpectomy, which is the most common breast cancer procedure. It is the removal or reduction of the lump underneath the skin. If caught early on, the removal can prevent cancer from spreading or starting if you are still at a stage 0. However, if you do have a lump in your breast and you are a male, it may not be breast cancer. So it is important to go to a doctor to get this diagnosed. There is a possibility that it could be gynecomastia, which is a benign, noncancerous condition.

Nipple Discharge

Most nipple discharge coming from men is abnormal. This could be a sign of cancer, and this should be looked at, and if necessary, treated right away.


The best way to know whether or not you have breast cancer is to go see a professional if anything looks or seems unusual. If treated early enough, breast cancer can be beaten. For example, stage 1 breast cancer has a 98% survival rate. It is possible for men to get breast cancer, so don't ignore any symptoms. Make a doctor's appointment the minute you notice something different about your breast region.

Tags: breast cancer, breast cancer, have breast, have breast cancer, breast area, chance that, your breast