Friday, May 7, 2010

How Does Zicam Allergy Relief Work

Gel Formula/ Dosage

Individuals who are allergic to pollen, pet dander, dust, sunlight and other outdoor elements may choose to find relief with medication. Zicam Allergy Relief is a remedy for the treatment of seasonal allergies. This treatment is a gel formula that is applied in the nostrils and is formulated to stay put with no dripping or running (as may occur with other nasal remedies). Dosage is recommended every four hours.

Homeopathic Remedy

The basics of homeopathic remedies are rooted in the theory "like cures like." By treating the symptoms with small doses of the problematic substances, relief may occur. The substances used to cure the symptoms are given in greatly diluted form (by thousands of times). It is believed that homeopathic medicine works because it stimulates the body's own natural defenses. These remedies are used for the treatment of asthma, colds and allergies. Zicam is a homeopathic remedy.


The active ingredients in Zicam are luffa operculata (or sponge cucumber -- a plant), galphimia glauca (another plant existing in Central America), histaminum hydrochloricum ( an ingredient used to relieve breathing and nasal congestion) and sulphur (an essential natural element for life that has many uses, including fungicides and insecticides). Because these ingredients are natural, they are thought to have little or no side effects from drug interactions. The formula is also said to provide relief of symptoms without drowsiness.

Proof of Effectiveness

In a recent study, some subjects were given Zicam while others were given a placebo. Those given Zicam showed improvement from symptoms related to seasonal allergies. The patients receiving placebos had markedly decreased levels of relief. For complete study results and information, see Resources.

Tags: Allergy Relief, given Zicam, seasonal allergies, were given, Zicam Allergy