Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ways To Stop Morning Sickness

It's difficult to enjoy the wonder of pregnancy, when you're spending a great deal of time feeling sick to your stomach. According to, morning sickness affects 75 percent of pregnant women---and doesn't necessarily occur in the morning. It usually begins around the sixth week of pregnancy and continues until the end of the first trimester, at 13 weeks. However, while you're experiencing it, you don't care about what "usually" happens, all you want is to put a stop to it as soon as possible.

Eat a small, salty snack

Sometimes nausea in pregnancy is caused by having an empty stomach. If you find this to be the case, keep a small, salty snack (like crackers) with you at all times, so that when queasiness strikes, you have something to put in your stomach right away. If you get classic morning sickness and feel ill upon waking, keep the crackers by your bedside so that you can eat something even before you get up for the day.

Eat Ginger

Ginger has long been determined to be an effective morning sickness remedy. There are many ways to get ginger into your diet. You can chew on a piece of peeled ginger, make ginger tea by adding 2 tbsp. of grated ginger to boiling water, eat crystallized ginger (usually available in health food stores) or eat ginger cookies.

Take Vitamin B6

For some women taking an extra dose of vitamin B6 puts a stop to morning sickness. According to Baby Center, a woman may safely take between 10 and 25 mg of vitamin B6 a day to control nausea and vomiting. Check with your doctor before taking any supplement. Excessive levels of vitamin B6 can cause numbness and nerve damage.


Acupressure can provide relief from morning sickness. You can buy acupressure bands, a soft, cotton band worn around your wrist, at most drugstores. The wrist band has a small piece of plastic that stimulates an acupressure point on the underside of your wrist, relieving the wearer of feelings of nausea. You can also stimulate the key acupressure points yourself. provides directions on stimulate three different areas of the body to rid yourself of morning sickness.

Tags: morning sickness, salty snack, small salty, small salty snack, your stomach