Thursday, November 18, 2010

Plan To Avoid Junk Food

Unless you move to a macrobiotic commune in Oregon, kicking the

junk-food habit can be tough. Junk food is convenient, marketed

aggressively, cheap to buy and hard to resist. Most Americans fail to

lose weight because they're programmed to consume far too much

and to choose foods that are saturated with fat and salt ("Supersize

those fries?"). See 24 Choose a Weight Loss Plan and take steps to

reform that junk-food junkie within you.


1. Eliminate temptation at home. Clear out all the junk from your cupboards, and get the whole family on board for the effort.

2. Lay a healthful foundation by stocking up on ingredients for nutritious meals, desserts and snacks. If you eat healthy food at home, you won't feel so bad when you splurge on an infrequent fast-food meal or candy bar.

3. Set realistic expectations for yourself by remembering to practice moderation. Total deprivation will only make your cravings more intense, so allow yourself a weekly treat for cutting back.

4. Identify those times of the day when you're most vulnerable to a junk-food attack. Is it that relentless 3 p.m. cookie craving? The phone call from your client-from-hell that spurs a run to McDonald's? Prepare ahead of time by having healthy, flavorful alternatives on hand--and if you still need to indulge, just have a bite or two and toss the rest. Better yet, schedule alternate activities for those times when you're most likely to face temptation.

5. Choose grilled or broiled versions of foods that are typically fried. Grilled chicken sandwiches, grilled chicken and rice bowls, sandwiches with no cheese and a small amount of mayonnaise, fatfree or baked chips, water, and salads with light dressing are available at most fast-food restaurants.

6. Focus on eating healthy foods. Be sure the snack foods you keep in plain sight and hidden away are all good choices. Keep a fruit basket on your kitchen counter, table or desk. If you stock the refrigerator with exclusively healthy foods, you'll eventually overcome the urge for fat and sugar-laden treats.

7. Avoid situations that may encourage a junk attack, like sitting in front of the television all evening. Resist those evil vending machines at work by bringing your own healthful snacks and leaving your pocket change at home.

8. Cook large quantities and put extra meals in the freezer. That way you won't be tempted to make a junk-food run on your way home from work. See 297 Plan a Week of Menus.

Tags: foods that, from your, healthy foods, those times, those times when, times when