Friday, November 5, 2010

Symptoms Of Low Dhea

DHEA, the Libido Hormone

DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone, is one of the more than 150 hormones secreted by the adrenal glands, and a shortage of this particular hormone can cause a general malaise and fatigue. It also causes a lowered libido, especially in women. The lack of this hormone decreases stamina and alertness to an amazing degrees.

DHEA in Every Cell of the Body

DHEA is also made in smaller amounts in the neurons of the brain, so the more neurons a person has, the more DHEA that person probably has. DHEA affects every single organ of the body, the brain included, and it is present in every cell, so when there is a shortage of this hormone, you will notice a lowering in how well you feel and think at any given moment.

Illness and Hormonal Imbalance

Symptoms of DHEA deficiency include depression, frequent illness due to a weakened immune system, pain in the joints, less muscle and bone mass, and overwhelming fatigue. However, increasing just the DHEA is not a good idea, since hormone balance may be upset. It is best to get your hormones evaluated in their entirety to make sure everything stays in balance.

Tags: shortage this, this hormone