Monday, November 15, 2010

Ulceric Colitis Symptoms

Ulcerative colitis is a condition that affects the large intestine and rectum. It is believed to be caused by dietary choices, genetics or other autoimmune diseases, though no one is certain of the cause. It is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, but in severe cases, ulcerated sections of the colon are removed. Though the main symptom is bloody diarrhea, symptoms vary depending on the location of the ulcers.

Ulcerative Proctitis

When the ulcers are limited to the rectum, symptoms include bleeding and constipation, though the feeling of needing the bathroom is present.

Left-sided Colitis

When the ulcers are located in the left side of the colon, symptoms include cramps and bloody diarrhea. Dramatic weight loss is also a common symptom.


When the entire colon is affected, symptoms include bloody diarrhea, extreme cramping and flu-like symptoms such as exhaustion and night sweats.

Fulminant Colitis

This rare and often fatal variation of colitis involves all the traditional symptoms as well as dehydration and shock. The colon becomes toxic, frequently leading to death.

Other Symptoms

It is common for people with ulcerative colitis to have symptoms in other parts of their body. They can range from problems in the eyes, skin and musculoskeletal system.

Tags: bloody diarrhea, symptoms include, When ulcers