Thursday, April 25, 2013

Get Rid Of The Hpv Virus

The launch of Gardasil and other vaccinations against the human papillomavirus has raised awareness of the virus. Strains of HPV can cause genital warts, and some strains are believed to cause cervical cancer. But vaccinations don't work after you already have the virus. In fact, once you have the virus, there is no way to get rid of it on any specific timetable. You will have to wait for your immune system to clear the virus, and even then not every person will ultimately clear it. In the meantime, there are things you can do to reduce your risk of serious complications.


1. Women should get regular pap smears. If you have had genital warts, you will be at increased risk of cervical cancer, and a pap smear can provide early detection, making treatment easier. If you don't have genital warts, note that only 1 percent of people with HPV have warts--so not having warts does not mean you don't have HPV.

2. Wait it out. For most people, HPV infections tend to disappear within three years. Even women who show precancerous cervical lesions due to HPV sometimes have them resolve when the body figures out handle HPV.

3. Use an over-the-counter wart treatment if you have genital warts. These will not get rid of the virus itself but can treat the symptoms. If over-the-counter treatments do not work, see a physician for guidance.

4. Don't smoke, or quit if you currently smoke. Studies have shown that smoking will increase your risk of developing cancer due to the way smoking affects the immune system.

5. Limit use of oral contraceptives. Some evidence indicates that using birth control pills for more than five years might increase the risk that HPV will develop into cervical cancer. Try using an IUD or a diaphragm instead, or choose another method, if you are concerned about longterm effects from HPV.

6. Eat a healthy diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh produce contains antioxidants, which many people believe helps the immune system to fight off infections and clear chronic infections.

Tags: genital warts, cervical cancer, have genital, have genital warts, immune system, have virus