Friday, April 26, 2013

Kundalini Syndrome

Kundalini refers to a life-force energy situated at the base of the spine. Once released, this energy produces a set of symptoms referred to as Kundalini Syndrome.


Kundalini lies predominately dormant. Once activated, this energy pulsates up the spine, journeying through the seven chakras, or vortexes of energy. If blocked, this energy begins a cleansing process that can produce symptoms such as a sudden unexplained illness, erratic behavior, tension, disorientation, chills or hot flashes, extreme mood swings, visions and depression.


Ancient Eastern texts teach that the uncoiling of this innate power leads toward psycho-spiritual expansion. However, the proper release of this energy requires physical and spiritual preparation.


Yoga, meditation and other spiritual practices provide the necessary preparation for releasing this energy. Involuntary releases can occur due to drug use, a personal crises or trauma.


Professionals warn of the difficulty in interpreting Kundalini symptoms from unrelated medical conditions. If you experience troubling symptoms associated with your spiritual well-being, seek medical and spiritual advice.

Fun Fact

Many experts, such as Richard Gerber, M.D., suggest that the medical symbol of the caduceus represented by twin serpents coiled around a winged staff possibly depicts the ancient symbol of Kundalini energy moving up the spine.

Tags: this energy, Kundalini Syndrome