Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Natural Ways To Gain Weight Fast

A good workout routine is key to gaining weight in a healthy manner.

Gaining weight is a regular routine for amateur and professional athletes alike. Wrestlers, bodybuilders and mixed martial arts fighters often engage in a "bulking" phase during which they try and pack on as many pounds as possible. Whether you are a thin person looking to gain muscle, or an athlete looking to bulk up, there are a few key strategies to help you gain weight fast.

Eat More Meals

Instead of eating three large meals per day, eat six smaller meals. Eat when you are hungry, and avoid skipping meals. Eating when you are hungry keeps your energy levels consistent and speeds up metabolism. "When you put too many hours between meals, your metabolism actually slows down to compensate," says Molly Kimball, RD, sports and lifestyle nutritionist at the Oscher's Clinic's Elmwood Fitness Center.

Eat More Calories Per Day

For a rough calculation of how many calories you should eat per day to gain weight, take your body weight and multiply it by 20. You should be eating roughly 50 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein and 20 percent fat. Start by eating healthy snacks every few hours, such as protein-rich nuts or dried fruit. As your appetite grows, turn those snacks into small meals. Remember to eat foods that are dense with calories, rich in protein and contain healthy fats.

Drink Weight Gainer Protein Shakes

Weight gainer protein shakes contain a significant amount of carbohydrates and protein and are formulated specifically for hard-gainers (thin men or women). Weight gainers generally have between 50 and 60 grams of protein per serving and up to 1500 calories. If you have never taken a weight gainer shake before, to avoid any unpleasant gastric disturbances, start out by consuming a half serving. After a week, try drinking a full serving.

Lift Weights

Go to the gym three to four times per week. Focus on multi-jointed, free weight exercises. Lift a weight that is challenging for you. Aim for eight to 12 repetitions per set, for three sets. Muscle fibers that are responsible for the most growth are stimulated by heavy weights.

Tags: when hungry