Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Use Turmeric For Acne

Acne is an inflammatory condition of the skin that is caused by excess oil and dirt and the consequent infection of the hair follicle and pores. Turmeric is an alternative treatment that comes in a pill or paste form. A spice that comes from the ginger family, turmeric has a strong antiseptic and antibacterial makeup. Follow these steps to achieve success with turmeric in a paste form in order to effectively treat the acne.


1. Combine the turmeric powder and oil in a mixing bowl and stir until a paste forms. A tablespoon of each ingredient is a good starting base, but you if you find that it is not enough, gradually make more to fit your needs.

2. Wash your face thoroughly with soap and water or a face wash you prefer. Pat your face dry completely.

3. Use this paste either in hot or cold form. If you want it warmed, microwave it for 15 to 30 seconds. Cover the acne and surrounding area completely. Apply at least 20 minutes before bed to allow it to dry thoroughly.

4. Leave the paste on overnight. Wash your face thoroughly again in the morning to remove any remnants.

5. Continue this process and repeat all steps nightly for 2 to 15 days in order to see improvements.

Tags: your face, face thoroughly, paste form, that comes, Wash your