Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Breast Development Stages

The Beginning

The first stage of a girl's breast growth actually takes place before puberty. Before the age of 10 a girl's body is gearing up to start maturing and she's growing in all areas. When she reaches an age between 8 and 13 the maturing process gets under way. The first visible signs of breast growth are breast buds, which herald the onset of puberty. The breast buds grow in preparation for the ducts that the female body will need. Some conditions, such as obesity, can cause this process to happen at a younger age for some girls.

Breast Growth

Usually between the ages of 12 and 14 years a girl's breast buds begin to mature and grow into full breasts. Often they become sensitive and sometimes painful during the growth process. As the breasts begin enlarging toward their full size it's a good idea for girls to begin wearing bras. Though girls are still growing and maturing, a properly fitted bra will provide much needed support for the growing breasts. In addition, a well-fitted bra will prevent injury to the breasts that could damage the sensitive tissues that are forming.


Between the ages of 14 and 18 breast growth will slow and then stop. There are cases of women's breasts growing into their 20s, so the range of 14 to 18 is just a rough estimate. As the breasts fully mature along with a woman's reproductive system the ducts for milk will also finish growing. Generally speaking, once a woman's breast growth stops, it won't change a great deal. Factors that can affect the size of the breast are weight loss or gain, pregnancy and hormone therapy, particularly in women who are deficient in estrogen, which is a major reproductive hormone.

Tags: breast buds, breast growth, girl breast