Friday, November 20, 2009

Exercises To Help Sciatica

A sciatic condition can cause pain down the back of your leg, reaching as far as your little toes. This pain often happens when the supporting leg muscles such as the hip flexors or piriformis are either not stretched enough or strengthened. By stretching and strengthening those muscles, it is possible to relieve sciatica pain at least temporarily.

Piriformis Stretch

A Piriformis Stretch can help exercise and stretch the piriformis muscle, which is often the cause of sciatica nerve pain. It sits right on top of the sciatic nerve root, so stretching it can relieve pressure. The modified cat pose is relatively easy to do since you start on your hands and knees. Make sure your back is straight and your hands are aligned directly under your shoulders; your knees can be slightly outside your hips.

To stretch your left leg piriformis muscle, put your left ankle on top of the right Achilles heel. Push your left hand towards the left about six inches. Without lifting your knees, shift your hip left, so it bears your weight. You should feel a deep stretch in the back of your leg along the side of your hip. Hold this for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, and repeat. Do this cycle at least three times. Simply switch the positions if you want to stretch the right piriformis.

Hip Flexors

Your hip flexor also can relieve sciatica pain. Stretching the hip flexors also can help strengthen it, giving more support for and relieving pressure from the piriformis muscle. A kneeling hip flexor stretch can give a good stretch with minimal movement. Start by kneeling on your left leg while putting your right foot flat on the floor. Your right thigh should be parallel to the floor, while your right lower leg should be directly under your knee. Place your hands on your hips and keep your back straight.

Simultaneously lean backwards about 30 degrees and push your hips forward without lifting your knees off the ground. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then switch legs. Repeat at least twice to get a good, deep hip flexor stretch.

For a more challenging and isolated hip flexor stretch, lie on the floor in the shape of a "T," with arms out to either side and legs together. Bend the right knee, lift your foot off the ground, and cross your knee over your waist as far as possible. Do not lift your left leg or your shoulder as you do this. Turn your head to the right and hold this position for a minute before switching legs. To make the stretch easier, breathe deeply as you do it.

Tags: your left, flexor stretch, piriformis muscle, your hands, your hips, your knees, back straight