Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How Is Lung Cancer Caused


Lung cancer kills more people than any other type of cancer. According to the Centers for Disease Control, lung cancer kill more people than breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer combined each year. Annually, nearly 200,000 men and women are diagnosed with lung cancer and over 150,000 die from the disease. Due to its prevalence, understanding the causes of lung cancer so that is can be prevented or treated is an important part of maintaining your health.

Types of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer occurs when malignant lung cells divide uncontrollably. These cells metastasize, which means that they spread to other tissue and parts of the body. Lung cancer is categorized as either non-small cell lung cancer or small-cell lung cancer. Of the two types, non-small cell lung cancer is more common.


There are many causes of lung cancer; however, 87 percent of all lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. All tobacco products are carcinogenic and may lead to lung cancer. This includes cigarettes, cigars and pipes. The most important thing a smoker can do to lessen the likelihood of developing lung cancer is to quit smoking immediately. Related to this is second-hand smoke, another cause of lung cancer. People should avoid second-hand smoke by asking those whom they live or work with to refrain from smoking indoors.

Radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer and is found naturally in soil and rocks. Homeowners can purchase radon kits to test whether the gas exists in their home. If it does, measures can be taken to eliminate it. Asbestos, a fiber that comes from minerals, also causes lung cancer. When these fibers are inhaled, they stick to the lining of the lungs, which may eventually lead to lung cancer. Those who are exposed to asbestos on the job are usually employed in construction, mining, brake repair and insulation work. The government has set provisions to protect those who work with asbestos to ensure that employers provide equipment and safety training to their employees. Chemicals that may cause lung cancer include vinyl chloride and nickel chromate. People working with these substances should wear protective clothing, a gas mask and make sure that their workplace is properly ventilated.

Lung cancers are very difficult to treat. Avoiding behaviors that cause lung cancer, such as smoking, is critical to your long-term health. Once lung cancer is detected, it usually requires surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or a mixture of all three to be treated. While these treatments rarely cure the patient of lung cancer, they are effective in slowing it or stopping it from spreading throughout the body.

Tags: lung cancer, lung cancer, cause lung, cause lung cancer, causes lung, causes lung cancer, body Lung