Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tell If A Child Needs More Sleep

Sleep is essential, not only for adults but for children as well. Sleep is especially important for a child because sleep aids in the mental and physical development. When a child doesn’t get enough sleep it can interfere with his or her ability to concentrate. This can be a major problem when that child is in school and can’t focus on the schoolwork. A lack of sleep can also cause other problems. If you are a parent, it’s important that you recognize the signals that indicate a child is sleep-deprived. Follow the steps below to help you determine if your child isn’t getting the amount of sleep he or she needs.


1. After your child goes to bed, check in on him or her approximately 30 minutes later. If your child is still awake, you may consider that he or she may be sleep-deprived. Perform this type of check on your child again on subsequent nights to confirm your suspicion of sleep deprivation.

2. Take note of how long it takes your child to wake up in the morning. If he or she seems to struggle with getting out of bed, sleep deprivation could be the cause.

3. Listen for reports from your child’s teacher about falling asleep during class and/or problems with concentration. A lack of sleep can seriously affect your child’s ability to absorb information.

4. Watch for signs of agitation. When a child is tired, he or she may become grouchy.

5. Notice if your child tends to sleep more on non-school days. A sleep deficit is cumulative and can leave your child totally exhausted once it catches up with him or her.

Tags: your child, lack sleep, sleep deprivation, When child