Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Indian Hair Care Recipes For Hair Growth

Many people experience hair loss at some point in their lives or may wish their existing hair would grow faster. Whatever the case, many natural and herbal remedies claim to get your hair growing fast. Some popular hair care remedies, such as what are outlined in this article, come from natural Indian medicine, also called Ayurvedic medicine. Note that these remedies have not been scientifically tested, which means there is no guarantee of effectiveness. To make your own natural hair care recipes, look for the suggested ingredients at some health food stores and Indian markets.

Mustard Seeds

A tea made from mustard seeds is one Indian recipe for hair growth. Simply add 1 tsp. of mustard seeds to about 1 cup of boiling water and steep for five minutes. Strain the seeds and allow the mixture to cool before drinking.

Olive Oil

Olive oil has many uses in Ayurvedic medicine, one of which is to treat and prevent hair loss. Give your scalp a vigorous nightly massage with some 100 percent extra-virgin olive oil.

Fenugreek Seeds

A hair tonic made from fenugreek seeds is another Indian recipe for hair growth. Try steeping some seeds in hot water for several minutes. Then, strain the seeds and allow the mixture to cool. Pour the water over your hair and give your scalp a vigorous massage. Wrap your head with plastic or cloth and leave on for three hours. When used daily, this remedy may help to stop or prevent hair loss.

Lettuce and Spinach Juice

A juice made from spinach and lettuce is thought to help with hair growth. Combine some large lettuce leaves and about 1/2 cup of spinach in a food processor. If the mixture is too thick to drink, add some water to thin it out a bit. Blend until smooth, and drink once daily.

Shana Seeds

Another Ayurvedic treatment for encouraging hair growth is to make a paste of shana seeds and coconut oil. Start by grinding up some shana seeds with a mortar and pestle or in a coffee grinder, until they have the consistency of powder. Add some coconut oil until you form a paste. Massage the paste into the scalp for several minutes and then shampoo.

Indian Goose Berry

A shampoo made from amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, shikakai (made from Indian shrub, Acacia concinna), and reetha (Indian herb) is thought to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. To make the shampoo, boil 100 gm of each ingredient in two liters water. Add to a clean container and shampoo your hair daily with this solution for one month.

Tags: made from, hair loss, hair growth, prevent hair, prevent hair loss, your hair, your scalp vigorous