Monday, January 10, 2011

Yoga During Pregnancy To Help With Shortness Of Breath

Performing yoga exercises during pregnancy, also known as prenatal yoga, can ease discomfort, help the baby move into proper delivery position, strengthen muscles, improve balance and increase flexibility. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it increases lung capacity, which may reduce shortness of breath. Do these exercises as often as you like.

Modified Sun Salutation

Stand with your legs as wide apart as your yoga mat. Bring your arms up and reach your hands together toward the ceiling. Palms should be together. Bring your arms back down. Inhale as your arms go up, and exhale as they come down.

Modified Side Plank

Start on all fours with your wrists under your shoulders. Push your feet back so that your bottom is in the air and your legs are straight. This is downward dog. Now step your right foot back toward you slightly, but turn the foot sideways so the toes are facing away from you. Make sure you are balanced between both feet, and raise your right arm toward the ceiling. Point your gaze upward if possible. Hold the position for two or three breaths. Come back to downward dog and switch legs.


These are poses that help open the chest and can help your baby get into position later in the pregnancy. Get on your hands and knees so that your back is parallel to the floor. Arch your back up as a cat would. Then lower down into cow as if you were trying to touch your belly to the floor. Transition between these two positions slowly to improve the stretches. Inhale during cat pose, and exhale during cow pose.


During the first two trimesters, you may be able to perform the shoulder bridge. This will open the chest as well as strengthen the legs, hips and bottom. Lie on your back with your feet hip-width apart. Raise your bottom up so that your knees, hips and shoulders are on the same diagonal line. Hold for 30 seconds. Gently lower back down. Inhale going up, and exhale going down.

Easy Pose

The Easy Pose, or Pose of Happiness, is an opportunity to connect with the baby while opening the chest and improving your breathing. It is a sitting pose and can be done during any trimester, though you may have to modify your leg positions toward the end of the pregnancy. Traditionally, Easy Pose has the right foot under the left knee and the left foot on top of the right knee or vice versa. Sit tall with your shoulders relaxed down. Hands relax on your knees. Breath deeply through your nose and out through your mouth.

Modified Corpse

Lie on your side with a pillow or bolster under your top knee. You may like a pillow or bolster under your neck as well. Work to release any tension you feel in your muscles by contracting and releasing each muscle that feels tight, one at a time. Rest in this pose for five minutes.

Tags: with your, Easy Pose, that your, under your, your arms, your back, back down