Thursday, March 17, 2011

Eliminate Meat From Your Diet

Meat is high in cholesterol, and studies have shown that vegetarians are less likely to develop heart disease or cancer when compared to meat eaters. Although you may have eaten meat all of your life, it is possible to stop, especially when you know that not eating it can help you live a longer, healthier life. Read on to learn about eliminate meat from your diet.


Eliminate Meat From Your Diet

1. Decide how you will stop eating meat. Will you stop immediately, or will you ween yourself from it? If you ween yourself, you must develop a schedule and stick to it. For example, decrease the amount of meat you eat every day for 2 weeks so that by the end of the 2-week period you no longer eat meat.

2. Determine what foods you will eat to replace the meat (protein) in your diet. Whole wheat past and bread are high in protein as well as beans. Pasta dishes and rice and bean dishes are simple to cook. If you feel like experimenting, try making a tofu dish or a tofu shake for breakfast.

3. Track your new diet by keeping a journal. This will be a daily reminder of your achievements, which will inspire you to continue on the right path. It will also help you monitor whether or not you are keeping a balanced diet.

4. List out all of the reasons why eating meat is bad for your health. This will inspire you on days when you feel like having a hamburger. Some reasons you should include: you can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, lessen the amount of cholesterol ingested and the amount of hormones ingested (animals are often injected with growth hormones).

5. Be creative when ordering food out. Sometimes you might have to request certain things like no chicken on the pasta dish. Or you might have to order directly from the side menu (for example, rice and vegetables). Also try some meat substitutes like seitan. You can get fake meat, chicken, duck and pork at vegetarian restaurants and well as heath food stores.

6. Reward your abstinence from meat. If you are finding it difficult eliminating meat from your diet, reward yourself with dessert, a movie or a new shirt every so often.

Tags: disease cancer, eating meat, Eliminate Meat, Eliminate Meat From, feel like, From Your