Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Live Through A Stroke

Having a stroke is a major health concern and can result in a number of negative long-term problems if not treated as quickly as possible. Worse than the possibility of these problems, though, is the risk of dying during or after the stroke because it was not treated in time. Should you ever start to display the warning signs of a stroke or worry that a loved one is displaying those symptoms, here is what you should do to help increase the chance of survival.


1. Recognize the warning signs of a stroke so you can take action as quickly as possible. These warning signs include a sudden unexplained numbness or weakness in the face, arms or legs (especially one that only affects one side of the body), trouble thinking or speaking clearly, trouble seeing through one or both eyes, a sudden intense headache that seems to have no immediate cause, and sudden waves of dizziness or trouble walking.

2. Call 911 or another emergency service, or get the stroke victim to a hospital as quickly as possible. Given the seriousness of a stroke and the fact that it is damaging to the brain, time is of the essence when it comes to getting treatment. The longer you hesitate, the greater the chance of permanent damage being done.

3. Know that treatment options may vary depending on the severity of the stroke. Some treatments may involve using specific enzymes in order to break up or dissolve the clot that is causing the stroke. Other treatments may be used provided the patient meets certain criteria. Many treatments can only be used within a certain time period of the stroke beginning if they are going to prevent damage.

4. Realize that recovery from a stroke can take time, but in many cases stroke victims can recover almost completely.

5. Expect physical therapy, extended nursing care and various prescriptions or treatment schedules to be needed for some time after the stroke. These all have the goal of helping stroke victims to make as much of a recovery as possible, as quickly as they can.

Tags: quickly possible, warning signs, after stroke, signs stroke, stroke take, stroke victims, warning signs stroke