Monday, October 31, 2011

Promote The Use Of Condoms

Promote the Use of Condoms

The methods for promoting condom use vary dramatically depending on the setting. But whether it's the classroom, the living room or sites of pandemic disease in the developing world, the same basic principles apply. These are rooted in educational initiatives that create awareness of both the benefits and consequences of condom use or nonuse. apply these lessons will be up to you and your specific circumstances.


1. Outline the risks. In order to encourage the use of condoms, specify why it is important. Whether you're a parent or a sex education teacher, inform the students of the diseases associated with unprotected sex. These include less serious sexually transmitted diseases, along with HIV and AIDS. Introduce students to the AIDS-related health crises in Africa and elsewhere to broaden their perspective.

2. Provide practice. If the use of a condom seems either challenging or foreign, individuals -- particularly teenagers -- may be less inclined to use one. If you can develop an appropriate forum for this exercise, have participants practice placing the contraceptive on a phallic-shaped vegetable or similar item. If this is not practical or appropriate, visual media such as videos can serve the same purpose.

3. Consider your angle. Research whether benefit-based or deterrent-based strategies are more effective, for instance whether relationship-oriented messages work better than disease-based approaches. Consult the literature available for the appropriate age group and demographic.

4. Expand the context. Just because you're discussing sexual health and condoms doesn't mean you should omit the other challenges regarding diseases like AIDS. This includes discussion of drug use, particularly intravenous. Young people in particular should be made aware of other pertinent, dangerous topics.

5. Make it gender specific. Appeal to the specific circumstances that apply to both males and females. For females, it could be preventing not only disease but unwanted pregnancy, abortion and relationship failure. For males, relationship failure could be coupled with unexpected fatherhood and its entailing responsibilities.

Tags: Promote Condoms, relationship failure, specific circumstances