Friday, October 14, 2011

Stop Obsessive Thoughts

Dealing with obsessive thoughts can be difficult, especially when you don't know stop obsessive thoughts.

Hopefully, these suggestions can help you stop your obsessive thoughts painlessly and without medication.


1. Confront the thought head on and don't perform the associated action. For example, if you obsess over getting germs from touching objects in public, you should intentionally touch those objects and then not wash your hands. You will see how you don't get sick from doing this.

2. Assign responsibility to a trusted person. For example, if you obsess over whether you've left the stove on, make checking the stove the responsibility of your spouse. Make your spouse promise that he or she will always be the one to make sure that things are turned off before you leave.

3. Visualize a stop sign. When you find yourself thinking obsessively, visualize a stop sign and immediately change your thinking. Eventually, the thoughts will diminish.

4. Do something else. Try to do something that will keep your mind off of the thoughts. Exercise or listening to music are good choices.

5. Consciously repeat the opposite. For example, if you find that you obsessing that you are fat, whenever you look in a mirror, say "I'm so skinny." or "I look great." Eventually you will start to believe it.

Tags: obsessive thoughts, example obsess, example obsess over, obsess over, stop sign, that will, your spouse