Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Stay Healthy For Life

Staying healthy is something that most people would like to do, but it isn’t always easy and you have to train yourself and form good habits to do it. There are many different ideas on what it means to stay healthy and experts have many theories. The common thing that healthy people share is their dedication to picking up healthy habits and sticking to them. Here are a few to live by.


1. Exercise regularly. People that don’t live an active lifestyle often dread the word exercise and for some, it can be confusing. Some of the common questions are what types of exercise to do, how much to exercise, and what time of day is best. The rule of thumb to follow is to simply exercise. Any exercise you do that boosts your heart rate on any day is better than none. The trick is to start with very light exercises, especially if it isn’t part of your regular routine. Try to take a walk for twenty minutes a day to start. After a week or two, this task will seem easier and you can pick up the pace. Try walking with a three to five pound dumbbell in each hand. This will help build up muscle and speed up your metabolism. If you keep up with this habit, before long you will be jogging and running. The key is to start slowly and lightly and build up gradually to a more grueling workout and for a longer period of time.

2. Drink lots of water. The rule of thumb is to drink approximately 64 ounces of water a day. Ideally, though, if you are trying to lose weight, you should drink a little more. It is recommended to consider your weight in pounds, reduce that number by half, and then drink that many ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, half of that would be 100, so you should try to drink 100 ounces of water per day. Drinking water helps flush toxins out of your system and the less toxins you have, the better and more energized you feel. It also helps if you feel lethargic and tired as that can be a sign of dehydration.

3. Eat a balanced diet. You have heard this over and over and it seems simple enough, but surprisingly, a large number of people do not eat healthy meals. Lots of fruits and vegetables are important in maintaining a balanced diet. You also need protein and calcium to keep up strong bones and muscles. The rule of thumb is that if you prepare a meal and it’s only one or two colors (say, yellow,) you need to add some variety to your food. Add some leafy greens and other colored vegetables for a healthier meal. Also, throw out the idea of eating only three big meals a day and instead try eating smaller meals several times a day. This can increase your metabolism because it has to be constantly working and helps to burn fat and calories faster. It is also a good idea to take a multivitamin every day. This can supplement the lack of essential nutrients you may not be getting from your food. Remember, the food pyramid wasn’t designed just to take up space; it is a guide for seeing how many servings of which types of food are necessary to maintain a healthy diet.

4. Limit alcohol consumption and quit smoking. Everyone should know the warnings that come with smoking. It can cause several types of cancers and diseases as well as harm the people around you. No matter how difficult it may seem, anyone can quit smoking as long as you set your mind to do it. If you don’t make an honest, complete commitment to yourself about it, you won’t succeed, so be honest with yourself about smoking. Also, limit the amount of alcohol you consume. An occasional glass of wine can actually promote good health, but consuming several glasses a day of wine or other alcoholic drinks can cause damage to your liver, among other things. It also can cause weight gain, especially in women, so limit yourself as much as possible.

5. Get a good night's sleep. Easier said than done, especially with how busy everyone seems to be, but getting a good night’s sleep really can have good benefits for your body. Getting six to eight hours per night is ideal. If you have trouble sleeping, try to lay back and relax to clear your mind. If your mind is buzzing from everything that day and is still trying to function, you won’t be able to sleep well. Clear your mind and forget about today and tomorrow so that you can rest and be ready for what comes.

6. Control your attitude. Generally, to keep your body healthy, your mind needs to be healthy as well. People that have positive attitudes and outlooks on life are most likely to be in better health than someone who has a problem with depression. Depression can cause a lack of energy and lack of interest in doing things you need to do like eating well and exercising. Try to see the bright side of life and anything that comes with it.

Tags: your mind, ounces water, rule thumb, balanced diet, good night, good night sleep