Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Develop A Simple Walking Routine For Exercise

You can develop a simple exercise routine by walking up and down the stairs where you work as a cardio workout and parking a distance away from the door to get your walking exercise.


Develop a Simple Walking Routine to Exercise

1. It's Monday morning, you're already late, and the elevator is out of order. Your office is on the third floor, and there's no way to get there but the stairs. You walk up three flights, and you are totally out of breath, your chest hurts, and you actually feel as if you might die right there on the spot. You can't believe it, but you finally have to accept that you are out of shape.

2. When do you have the time to start an exercise routine and keep it up? The answer is very simple. One routine you can start immediately and do five days a week is walking from your parking space. Then all you need to do is add a cardio workout, which can be using the stairs instead of the elevator.

3. To start your daily walking routine, park at least ten parking spaces from the door. If you park ten spaces from the door every day and you walk to the door every morning and walk back to your car every evening, you are getting a daily walk right there.

4. To get your cardio routine started, don't catch the elevator. Walk up one flight of stairs and then catch the elevator to your floor. When you leave in the evening walk down one flight of stairs, then catch the elevator to the door. So now you are walking to and from your car every day and up one fight of stairs going up and down to your office. Do this consistently for five days for the first week, and this will get your body in shape for the next phase.

5. After doing that consistently for the first week, for the second week continue parking at least ten spaces from the door and increase the stair climbing to two flights before catching the elevator to your floor.

6. Do this for six weeks in a row and then you'll be ready to walk up and down all three flights of stairs and move your car several more spaces away. You will have developed a walking and cardio workout routine you can do five days a week without changing your schedule. Who would have thought that your exercise routine was right there with you every day?

7. If your office is on the 60th floor, you might not want to go up and down all those flights of stairs. But you can still do three or four flights and then catch the elevator to your floor. If your office is on the first floor, try parking as far away as possible and walk up and down one or two flight of stairs during your lunch break. The main thing is to develop an exercise routine that does not interfere with your busy schedule. This simple fitness routine is right there in front of you—you don't have to travel to a totally different place to exercise. So when you have to go up a flight of stairs, you'll be ready to start your day with a smile and not feel as if it's the end of the world.

Tags: catch elevator, exercise routine, flight stairs, from door, right there, cardio workout