Friday, April 20, 2012

Types Of Quartz Crystals

Quartz crystals are among the most abundant minerals found in the Earth's crust, and have long been used in spiritual and magical practices. Being readily available and versatile, these crystals can be easily found and used for a variety of purposes. Many commonly used crystals fall under the quartz family. Each different type possesses different qualities and associations.


One of the most popular types of quartz crystals is amethyst. Amethysts are translucent purple stones that range from lightly tinted to deep hues. The color purple is generally associated with spirituality and the mind. Wearing or carrying an amethyst helps with clarity of thought for mental activities or helps improve psychic abilities. They are beneficial when used during meditation to stimulate prophetic dreams, or when practicing divination, such as tarot card readings.


Black is the color of grounding and protection, so black onyx is ideal for any workings involving these energies. Wear black onyx jewelry for general protection and to repel negative energy. Black onyx also has the ability to absorb unwanted energy from your body, just the way any black object would absorb heat if left out in the sun. If you have been plagued by negative emotions, such as stress, anger or despair, hold an onyx as you meditate to allow it to soak up some of those feelings. After doing so, be sure to cleanse the onyx by burying it or soaking it in salt water to purify it again.


Tiger's-eye is a banded crystal that is most commonly brown, but there are also blue and green tiger's-eye. The stone is associated with the element of earth, which rules over things physical and material: strength, stability and abundance. It can be carried or worn to increase personal power, or to help you gain control of yourself and ground or center your energy. It is also commonly used to promote prosperity and draw wealth to the user. People who need discipline can benefit from keeping a tiger's eye on them.


There are many types of agates, each with its own unique properties and associations. White lace agates are used to achieve spiritual enlightenment and connection to the Higher Powers. Blue lace agates are used to promote healing and serenity. Crazy lace agates, so named for their multicolored bands, promote cheerfulness. Green moss agates are used for fertility, be it a fertile garden, a fertile creative mind or physical fertility when trying to conceive. Dendritic agate, with a tree or bush-like brown-speckled pattern, is used to aid in attuning and communicating with nature, particularly plants and animals.

Rock Quartz

Clear rock quartz, the most versatile of all crystals, is something of an all-purpose crystal. It can replace any crystal that you happen to lack and be charged with whatever purposes you desire, or it can be used in combination with other crystals to increase their power. They can be used to balance and amplify energy, so you can place other types of crystals and stones upon a piece of quartz to charge them. Blue quartz is ideal for peace and healing. Rose (pink) quartz is used in matters of love, friendship and romance. Smoky quartz, which is clouded with gray or brown, is good for grounding. Milky quartz, clouded with white, is good for stress reduction and calming.

Tags: agates used, lace agates, associated with, black onyx, clouded with