Thursday, May 3, 2012

How Sunlight Relieves Stress

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important nutrient and is necessary to health, both physical and emotional. Vitamin D helps the bones absorb calcium and phosphorus; these are necessary for the growth and strength of bones and teeth. Exposure to sunlight allows the body to produce vitamin D. A lack of exposure to the sun can lead to increased risks of cancer and other conditions such as SAD (seasonal affective disorder), a depression disorder that triggers symptoms such as lethargy, sadness and fatigue. This disorder is common during the winter months, when exposure to the sun is limited and light hours are reduced (see Resources).

Natural Sunlight

Because vitamin D is thought to benefit the body and enhance the mood, natural sunlight can be linked to stress relief. The serotonin levels (the chemical responsible for mood elevation in the brain) are increased in the presence of the sun, so increased moods can be a result of being outdoors during daytime hours.

Artificial Sun

Artificial sunlight is used as a treatment for depression called "light therapy." Light therapy may be achieved with the use of a light box that mimics the effects of natural sunlight. This therapy is thought to improve your mood by causing biochemical changes to occur, thus relieving depression symptoms. Another common practice to gain the benefits of vitamin D is sun tanning. Many individuals claim that tanning aids in stress reduction and relaxation.
