Monday, May 28, 2012

Stage 4a Hodgkins Disease

Hodgkins Lymphoma is a cancer that manifests in the lymph node system but left untreated, can expand to other organs of the body.

Early Stages

After diagnosis, the cancer is staged from I to IV. Stage I only involves one lymph node. Stage II means the cancer is in two or more lymph nodes on the same side of the diaphragm. In Stage III, the disease is in two or more lymph nodes on both sides of the diaphragm.

Stage Four

Stage IV means the disease has spread to the two or more of the lymph nodes on both sides of the diaphragm and to other organs.


The designation of A in a diagnosis identifies that the disease is not manifesting any physical symptoms to the individual.


Designation of B means there are significant signs and symptoms like swelling of the lymph nodes, pain from consuming alcohol, or persistent fever.

Treatment after diagnosis

Hodgkin's Disease has one of the highest recovery rates at approximately 95% following treatment. Chemotherapy and/or radiation will be prescribed by your Oncologist. The sooner your treatment begins the better the outcome for a long life.

Tags: lymph nodes, more lymph, more lymph nodes, both sides, both sides diaphragm, diaphragm Stage, lymph node