Thursday, August 1, 2013

Herbal Asthma Cures

Asthma is a pulmonary disease caused by inflammation of the bronchial tubes (air passages). When the air passages become inflamed, the asthmatic experiences chest tightness, coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing. Asthma is a chronic condition for which there is no cure, but a combination of medicinal and lifestyle changes can control the disease and allow the asthmatic to live a normal life. Herbal remedies can be incorporated into the asthmatic's routine, and will help him to live a healthier lifestyle.

Tea and Honey

Both of the ingredients in tea and honey work as decongestants and bronchodilators (airway openers). Herbal tea works best, and chamomile tea in particular is recommended by herbalists because it relaxes and soothes all the muscles in the body (helping with chest tightness and anxiety caused by the emotional strain of having difficulty breathing). Tea infused with a tablespoon of honey served hot three times per day may help the asthmatic breathe more regularly.

Roots & Vegetables

Many roots and vegetables work as alternative cures for asthmatics. Because ginger loosens phlegm from the body, making it easier to expel, ginger root is boiled in tea for three to five minutes, mixed with honey and ingested twice per day. Some asthmatics do not like the taste of ginger, and use radish tea as an alternative (prepared the same way). Garlic also is often used and is sometimes mixed with the ginger root with honey.

Fruits & Seeds

Many herbalists mix powders such as tumeric powder with the natural healing power of fruits such as lemons, pomegranates, dried cherries and grapes. A healthy, recommended snack for asthmatics is to mix dry, seeded grapes and soak them overnight in milk, removing the seeds and chewing the grapes the following day. Fennel seeds also can be chewed, and will help alleviate chest mucous.

Tags: chest tightness, difficulty breathing, ginger root, mixed with, will help, with honey