Monday, March 23, 2009

Strengthen Your Lungs

The lungs are what we use to breathe. They are an extremely important organ in the body, and without them we would die. There are conditions such as asthma or chronic bronchitis that may keep the lungs from functioning at their best. A lack of exercise and poor diet may also render the lungs weaker than they need to be. Breathing exercises strengthen and train the lungs to take in more oxygen and expel toxins. Cardiovascular exercise works in the same way, and both of these are important for keeping overall strength and health.


1. Take a slow deep breath into your lungs, placing your hands at the bottom of your rib cage to feel your diaphragm expand as you breathe in. Count to four as you inhale and then hold your breath for four counts. Then exhale for four counts as you feel your diaphragm deflate as the air leaves your lungs. Repeat this every day for a few minutes at a time, increasing the number of counts and the time that you are able to keep doing the breath as you go.

2. Do some form of cardiovascular exercise four to five times a week, such as jogging, aerobics, cycling or dance classes. Swimming is also extremely beneficial to building strength in the lungs, as it combines breathing with cardiovascular strength.

3. Start doing yoga. Yoga poses are designed to strengthen, clear and open the lungs as poses are done with specific breathing patterns. One pose, known as cat pose, requires you to kneel on all fours and as you inhale, you arch your spine so that you are looking up, and as you exhale, you curl your back so that you are looking down. This pose opens and clears the lungs when done correctly, and it is always recommended that you begin to learn yoga with an instructor first.

4. Eat plenty of garlic or odorless supplements of garlic. Garlic is a natural antibiotic with a particular ability to help keep the lungs clear of infection. Consult your doctor before taking any supplements.

5. Take an omega-3 fatty acids supplement such as fish oil daily along with Vitamin C and zinc daily. According to recent studies performed at the Faculty of Medicine at Tanta University, children with asthma who were given these supplements showed vast improvements in their condition. Consult your doctor before taking any supplements.

Tags: before taking, before taking supplements, Consult your, Consult your doctor, doctor before, doctor before taking