Monday, September 21, 2009

What Is The Idiot Proof Diet

The Idiot Proof Diet promises weight loss of 11 lbs. in nine days, and is based on a book by authors Neris Thomas and India Knight. Dieters can follow the step-by-step guidelines in the book, or join an online community to keep up with each phase of the diet. The diet itself is comprised of 10 "rules" and encourages dieters to eat more calories on certain days of the diet plan to boost their metabolism.


The authors of the Idiot Proof Diet lost a total of 140 pounds together by following this diet plan, and claim that they managed to lose weight with very little effort. Many of the rules of the Idiot Proof Diet are common-sense tips for eating healthy. Adhering to a restricted, low-sugar, high protein and moderate carbohydrate diet has proven to be an effective way to lose weight, and dieters do not need to buy special foods in order to stick with this plan.


The guiding principles of the Idiot Proof Diet encourage dieters to limit overall caloric intake and to eat only high-quality, nutritious foods. The meals are spaced apart so that the body can burn the calories more efficiently; dieters are required to stick with specific principles through each of the three phases, and the book is organized with tips for a twelve-week period.


The Idiot Proof Diet is designed to be cyclical; dieters must follow the diet exactly for eleven days and can then follow three "free days" before starting the 11-day cycle again. This helps to reset the metabolic rate continuously throughout the dieter's weight loss plan so that they never hit a plateau. The authors of The Idiot Proof Diet believe that this is the same method used by professional bodybuilders and athletes who need to lose weight between seasons; eating a varied amount of calories ensures that the metabolism does not slow down and that weight loss continues while on the diet.

Key Points

The Idiot Proof Diet is based on ten key principles. These are: cycling carbs and high-protein meals throughout the 11-day cycle; eating four meals, 2.5 hours apart; preparing meals at home; rotating different meals throughout the day; avoiding condiments that have unnecessary calories; to stop eating when feeling full; drinking low-calorie beverages; drinking at least 8 to 10 10 oz. glasses of water per day to speed up weight loss; walking at least 45 to 60 minutes per day; reducing sugar in the diet.


The diet does not eliminate food groups, but does require dieters to select from lean cuts of meat, low-fat dairy products and reduce excess calories. Even on an "off diet" day, dieters are encouraged to make healthy food choices and limit overeating or binging. This diet has not been endorsed or approved by any physicians or the medical community, but was formulated by two women who achieved results with their own plan.

Tags: Idiot Proof, Idiot Proof Diet, Proof Diet, weight loss, lose weight, 11-day cycle, authors Idiot