Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fastest Way To Induce Labor

If you're ready to quickly induce your labor, you might be interested in both natural and synthetic methods. Natural methods for labor induction include specific foods, herbs, and hormone-stimulating activities, such as sex and nipple stimulation. In addition to natural methods, synthetic methods can also help you quickly induce labor.

Natural Remedies

Though no natural method is a surefire way to quickly induce labor, you can try a wide variety of things to see if any work for you. Eat pineapple, which is thought to contain a cervical-ripening agent that stimulates prostaglandins, hormones responsible for uterine contractions. Adding real black licorice to your diet might also help to induce labor. Black licorice contains the chemical glycyrrhizin, which is also thought to contain prostaglandins. You can also take real black licorice in tablet form.

Though wives' tales state that eggplant Parmesan might help induce labor, it might actually be the herbs in the dish that do the trick. Basil and oregano might cause contractions, so try to add these herbs to your favorite dishes. Popular thought has also been to try spicy foods to induce labor; however, Giving Birth Naturally says this might actually be detrimental to your labor, as spicy foods, such as hot chili peppers, contain capsaicins, which might block endorphins--your body's natural pain relievers--during labor.

In addition to foods, some herbs and supplements may also induce your labor. Used for thousands of years by Native Americans, red raspberry leaves help tone your uterus and focus Braxton Hicks contractions. During your third trimester, drink at least three cups of red raspberry leaf tea daily, and even more toward the end for quicker labor induction.

Add evening primrose oil (EPO) capsules to your daily routine as well. EPO contains prostaglandins and can ready your cervix for labor. Starting at 36 weeks, insert two capsules of EPO into your vaginal canal, and increase to four capsules at 38 weeks. Inserting the capsules before bed ensures that they will dissolve while you're sleeping.

Sex and nipple stimulation may also quickly induce labor if your body is ready. Semen contains prostaglandins, which will help to ripen your cervix. Orgasms produce oxytocin, the hormone that produces contractions. Nipple stimulation also produces oxytocin; however, for this method to work, it's important to stimulate your nipples for 15 minutes per hour for several hours.

Synthetic Labor Induction

If you're interested in a more medical approach to quickly induce labor, options do exist. Your health care provider might strip your membranes, which could dilate your cervix. During this procedure, a health care provider inserts an examining finger in the internal cervical opening and detaches membranes from the lower uterine segment. According to the American Family Physician, risks of this method include infection, bleeding, patient discomfort, and accidental rupture of membranes. Also, this method is usually only effective when combined with other methods of labor induction.

Your health care provider might also recommend a cervical ripening agent that contains prostaglandins. The AFP says that using vaginal prostaglandins increases your chances of vaginal delivery within 24 hours.

Once your cervix is adequately ripe, your health care provider might suggest the use of oxytocin, as it's the preferred pharmacological agent for inducing labor.

Tags: induce labor, quickly induce, care provider, health care, health care provider, quickly induce labor, your cervix