Friday, December 24, 2010

Get Rid Of Charcoal

Charcoal, often used for grilling, needs to be disposed of after it's used.

Anyone who has used charcoal knows that it makes a mess after it's been burned. Dust from the coals can spread everywhere, especially if the charcoal is burnt or broken. Because charcoal in large amounts is heavy, the weight could cause a regular kitchen trash bag to tear. Charcoal is safe to for pickup by your local waste management company, so it doesn't need to be taken to another trash facility for disposal.


1. Place the trash can as close to the burnt-out, cooled-down charcoal as possible. Sweep the charcoal pieces into a dustpan. Empty the pan in the trash can. Sweep up as much charcoal dust as possible.

2. Pour two to three drops of dish soap into a mop bucket. Fill the bucket halfway with water.

3. Dip the sponge into the soapy water. Wipe down the surface where the charcoal burned until clean. Rinse the sponge with water and dip it in the bucket as needed. Let the surface air dry.

4. Throw away the sponge. Tie closed the garbage bag containing the charcoal. Pick it up, keeping one hand on the bottom of the bag to prevent it from falling apart. Place the trash bag in an outdoor trash can for pickup.

Tags: Place trash, with water