Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sharpen The Senses

As we age our senses tend to lose the ability to perform as well as they once did. There are some ways to sharpen our five senses of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. The foods you eat and protecting them from harsh sights and sounds can make a difference.


1. Avoid light sensitivity, blurry vision and eyes that burn from the lack of androgen and estrogen by consuming a healthy diet abundant in omega-3s. By eating a serving of walnuts or fish every day you can avoid these symptoms which are related to dry eye syndrome.

2. Sharpen your cell receptors, which sense odors, by limiting exposure to smoke and chemicals around the house such as insecticides. These chemicals can injure nasal membranes. Some doctors say that the more you use your sense of smell, the easier it is to keep. By smelling obvious items such as cinnamon and peppermint you can enhance the stimulation of nerves and help strengthen your sense of smell.

3. Prevent taste sensors from becoming less effective by incorporating proper oral hygiene. This helps your tongue to stay in good shape and keeps possible harmful infections away from your taste buds.

4. Help maintain good hearing by wearing earplugs or ear muffs at a concert or when mowing the lawn. You can also avoid smoking, which harms blood vessels inside your ear. Hearing aids may help enhance your hearing. Talk with your doctor if you have noticed any gradual or dramatic decrease in your hearing.

5. Live an active lifestyle to keep your touch receptors sharp. Incorporating a healthy low-fat diet, daily exercise and a smoke free way of life helps oxygenate and maintain the nerve fibers in your skin. Foods rich in B12, like dairy, poultry and fish as well as niacin can keep your sense of touch active.

Tags: your sense, keep your, sense smell, your hearing, your sense smell