Friday, May 10, 2013

Systema Breathing Exercises

Unlike some martial arts, Russian Systema focuses on natural and intuitive movement. Based on the idea that the human body knows what to do if we'll just listen to it, strikes, blocks and breathing all stem from natural reflexes and physical laws. The baseline breathing exercise of Systema is simple, natural breathing. From that baseline, variations can help accomplish specific and particular goals. Even at its most advanced, Systema still relies on listening to the body rather than forcing the body to conform to artificial demands.

Natural Breathing

Always inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. This takes advantage of the natural filtration system of the sinuses while allowing you to purge toxins and carbon dioxide as quickly as possible. Breathe deep into your belly and lungs, like a crying baby. Exhale as completely as is comfortable. When breathing, take in only as much air as your body wants. As you practice this exercise, your body will begin naturally breathing more deeply, reverting to the relaxed, natural breathing you had at birth.

Power Breathing

When you need specific power for a rigorous physical task, use this method. Begin, as always, with the natural breathing method described above. Breathe naturally through the first repetition of the task, finding the rhythm of the task. On the next repetition, exhale forcefully at the point of most exertion, inhaling during the less rigorous points of the task.

Using push-ups as an example, exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down. This way you are inhaling as your muscles are relaxed and your body most able to take in oxygen. As the task continues and you grow more fatigued, change your rhythm once again by increasing how rapidly you breathe. This will flood your body with oxygen--its most basic fuel--at the time it needs it most.

As you practice this method, your body will begin to naturally and reflexively shift to this breathing pattern when it needs extra fuel to make things happen.

Controlled, Held Breaths

This is a more advanced technique, applied in combat to circumstances where breathing may be interrupted, such as fighting in water. Like the other exercises, the key is to breathe as naturally as possible. Having your air flow cut off tends to induce panic, which increases your body's demand for oxygen, which limits your ability to hold your breath.

Begin by breathing naturally. At a random point, simply stop breathing. This stoppage can be at any point in your breathing cycle. After a time, begin breathing again. Don't hold your breath past the point of discomfort. As you practice, that point will come later and later.

Once you've mastered this exercise, losing the ability to breathe will no longer cause the panic reaction it usually does. Your body will consider it just another repetition of the exercise it's grown accustomed to. This will allow you to effectively handle surviving a situation where your air flow is restricted.

Tags: your body, body will, begin naturally, body will begin, hold your, hold your breath, natural breathing